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Science and Social Studies are a great way to find out about how people and our world work.
Below are some great research websites for general inquiries. Don't forget to record your references and to check whether you are allowed to use images or other media (e.g. Creative Commons).

World Atlas

Research countries, flags, continents and oceans for useful geography facts.

If it were my home

Ever wondered what it would be like if you had been born in another country? This site helps you to compare two countries with lots of interesting facts.


Find out about the cost of living in another country in world. 

Te Ara NZ Encyclopedia

The Encyclopedia of New Zealand is a comprehensive guide to our peoples, natural environment, history, culture, economy and society

NZ History

Use this site to research NZ's history.

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How stuff works - Science

Find out how science stuff works on this site. It also has a collection of interesting articles on the main page.

Creative Commons

This is the search page for Creative Commons.  Here you can search for images, sound files and videos that you are allowed to use without requesting permission from the owner.

Digital NZ

This site is useful for searching up digital images and media files about NZ.

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