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Poetry is a short form of writing that includes many different styles. Here are some links to help you learn about different types, read examples and write your own.

Poetry styles and examples

This document that I have made, is a collection of 10 different poetry styles with examples and practice ideas.

Alliteration explanantion video

This short video explains what alliteration  means.

The "ABC" book by Dr Suess

The ABC book by Dr Suess is all about alliteration. Watch this YouTube video to listen to Andrew Ghio read the book aloud.

Alliteration poem examples

Here are some examples of poems ths use alliteration.

Tongue twister examples

Here you will find a large collection of short and longer tongue twisters to have fun reading aloud. Tongue twisters use a lot of alliteration.

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Poetry Ideas Engine

Scholastic's Poetry Ideas Engine is very helpful if you want help and practice writing haikus, cinquains and limericks.

Rhyme Zone

This site will help you find other words that rhyme with the word you want. A very useful tool when writing poems with rhymes or interesting titles.


A thesaurus helps you to find other words that have similar meanings. This is a great tool if you want to find a more interesting word.

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