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Measurement includes measuring time, length, width, height, volume, speed. It also includes finding the area and perimeter. Measurement is a very practical area of mathematics that is used in everyone's life.

BBC KS3 Measurement

This site has information, interactive activities and quizzes to help you learn about measurement.

Puzzle Pics clocks

Practive reading analogue clocks with this quick game.

24 hour snap

Practice 24 hour time with this British game of snap.

The metric system

This 5 min YouTube video explains how the people used to measure things and how the metric system started and how it works.

Metric conversion rap

Watch this short YouTube rap song on the different names and parts of the metric system.


An interactive site to practice reading different measures for distance, volume and mass.

Horrendous soup

Practice converting measurements by making a recipe for horrendous soup.

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Perimeter video

Learn about how to calculate the perimeter of basic and complex shapes by watching this Maths Antics video.

Area video

Learn about how to use formulas to calculate the area of basic shapes, by watching this Maths Antics video.


Earn parts to build your own robot by practising perimeter questions.

Zoo designer

Use your knowledge of area and perimeter to build five enclosures for your zoo.

BBC KS3 Volume

Learn about how to calculate volume with this BBC revision, interactive activity and quiz.

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