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Fractions, decimals and percentages are all about things that are part of a whole. They are all connected (e.g. 1/2 = 0.5 = 50%) and are seen and used everyday (e.g. money, shopping sales, test scores).

BBC KS3 Decimals

This site has revision, a video, an interactive activity and a test for decimals.

Math Antics Fractions videos

This is a playlist series of 15 videos to explain fractions and what you can do with them. Scroll through the playlist lessons to find the videos you need.

BBC KS3 Fractions

This site has revision, a video, an interactive activity and a test for fractions.

Thinking Blocks: Fractions

This is a great interactive tool to teach you how to find a fraction of a quantity. It's made by Maths Playground.

Maths Playground Fraction and Decimal games

This site has a huge list of games to practise fractions and decimals. If you scroll down to the bottom, you can also find interactives to help you solve problems.

Decention game

Practise converting between fractions, decimals and percentages with this game.

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Math Antics Percentages and Ratios videos

This playlist is a series of seven videos to explain percentages and what you can do with them (the last two are on ratios and proportions). Scroll through the playlist lessons to find the videos you need.

BBC KS3 Percentages

This site has revision, a video, an interactive activity and a test for percentages.

Percentage chains

This great intreactive tool shows you one way to find the percentage of a quantity. Type the whole quantity into the middle and then click on each link in the chain to find out what that percentage will be.

Troy's Toys

Practise finding percentage discounts with this activity shopping for toys at Troy's Toy house. Use the hints and working out paper.

BBC KS3 Ratio and Proportion

This site has revision, a video, an interactive activity and a test for ratios and proportions.

Thinking Blocks: Ratios

This is a great interactive tool to teach you how to solve problems involving ratios. It's made by Maths Playground.

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